
Paramotor Adventure Trips Comparison
Before you undertake our of our trip, please read this comparison carefully. The flying level can vary considerably on each trip. If you are in doubt pon your experience please call or email us before you make your booking

+++ BHPA advanced pilot or pilot level / expert / proficient / experienced / independent solo flyer
Proficient in forward and reverse launch on unknown small and/or uneven a/o sloping sites
Able to independently plan and navigate a route with drop out points and retrieve routes
++ BHPA CP+ level / knowledgeable / trained / skilled group and solo flyer
Experienced in forward and reverse launch on described small or uneven or sloping sites
Able to plan and navigate a route under guidance. Able to fly a route temporarily without a guide. Land with and without wind sock.
+ BHPA CP level / practiced / trained / group flyer

Sunset Flying

Picnic on the beach with Bobby!