

The Lady of Avenel is a 102ft Brigantine square rigged ship. With 12 guest berths and epic cruising grounds to offer, the she provides an exciting platform for adventure sailing. From Scotland, Ireland, and the coasts and waters off England…The question is, we’re sailing, are you coming with us? Discover caves, walk long sandy beaches…. Sea Kayaking and mountain walking a just a few things available to do on a sailing trip on board the Lady of Avenel.
The Lady of Avenel is owned and run by Jim Dines and Stefan Fritz to integrate activities alongside sailing. The principal skipper is Stefan Fritz.
The Lady of Avenel also visits and takes part in regattas and festivals across northern Europe. From whisky festivals in the inner and outer Hebrides to traditional and tall ships regattas in the UK.

Lady of Avenel under full sail